For the residents of Hong Kong wishing to hire domestic workers should be aware of the minimum wage laws for domestic workers.
Over time, the wages of domestic workers have always been the subject of debate. As such, the Hong Kong government has set minimum wage requirements and other related criteria to find a happy environment suitable for both employers and domestic workers.
Nonetheless, this is just a minimum and not a market standard!
What is the minimum wage for domestic workers?
- The government minimum wage for a domestic helper is a minimum of HK$ 4,630 per month. This is to be paid by the employer to their domestic workers.
- The standard employment contract also includes a food allowance of HK$ 1,121 per month to be paid separately by the employer.
- In a situation where the employer cannot provide the food allowance for the domestic worker, the employer must provide free food for his/her employee.
- The employer will provide free accommodation at his/her home for the employee.
- The domestic worker must also receive a free ticket to return to the country of origin after the termination/expiration of the contract.
- The employer must cover the domestic workers’ medical expenses and take out an insurance policy for the domestic worker.
These laws show that the employer must not only pay the employee’s salary but also take into account other costs before hiring a helper.
The Average Pay of Domestic Workers Salary
In some regions of Hong Kong, such as Tseung Kwan O, Tsuen Wan, Fanling, Yuen Long, and Tuen Mun, the average DW’s wage is a few dollars above the minimum. The average salary for domestic workers in these areas is a little above HK$ 4,630.
Employers living in these neighbourhoods are local families who employ domestic workers who have no issues accepting the minimum wage and an opportunity to work in Hong Kong.
With salaries ranging from HK$ 4,800 to HK$ 6,000, DW’s that work at Victoria Peak, Deep Water Bay, Repulse Bay, Clearwater Bay, and Stanley happen to get the best wages in Hong Kong.
Domestic workers may be able to earn even higher wages of up to HK$ 15,000 from employers in Sai Kung, Central, Kowloon Tong, Happy Valley, and Pok Fu Lam.
Domestic workers’ wages depend not only on the minimum wage requirements set by the government and the district of employment but also on factors such as the experience (including driving experience) and skills such as first aid, or medical care and much more.
Residents and expatriates are always on the lookout for workers who possess the right skills for their families. Employers usually take all these factors into account concerning the salary of their domestic workers.
The Importance of the Domestic Worker’s Salary
It is essential to recognize the service provided by these workers and to note that these people send part of the wages to their families back home. The cost of living in Hong Kong should also be considered (food, calls, internet, shopping, and other activities). These expenses represent more than half of the worker’s salaries.
The cost of living is increasing so rapidly everywhere that the current minimum wage is not enough to meet the daily expenses of the domestic worker’s family.
Note: Domestic workers look at the salary offered before they consider moving from one country to another.
The Advantages of Offering a Good Salary
It is challenging for families living in Hong Kong to find domestic help for household chores. The availability of domestic workers is gradually decreasing due to the unattractive wage rates offered by employers. The only solution to this problem is that employers encourage their employees by paying them good wages.
The salary level should be such that the employee can send some money home and save part of it for daily expenses. The employer can benefit from numerous advantages by offering his/her employee a good salary.
The most significant advantage is that a good salary helps keep a domestic worker for a long time. The employer that hires and treats his/her employee right can benefit from the loyalty, service, and assistance provided by the employee.
If the salary is based on the DW’s qualifications and skills, then those employees will be motivated to perform better and work harder.
It is possible to build an amicable relationship between the employer and the employee, based on mutual benefits. It is always better to have happy workers. This enables the level of trust and dependency between the employer and the employee.
All of these benefits are available to employers who pay reasonable wages to their domestic workers. Treating your employees with respect and recognizing their efforts can go a long way. Treating your DW with care creates a pleasant working environment for the employee, thereby increasing their productivity.
Therefore, an important issue, such as the domestic worker’s salary, should be carefully considered before hiring one.